5 Ways to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

5 Ways to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident in Colorado, calling a personal injury attorney in Denver can help ensure that you receive the fair and full compensation you deserve for your injuries. Not only will they help explain your situation from a legal perspective, but these motorcycle accident attorneys can also negotiate on your behalf, and if necessary, fight for you in a court of law.

Of course, we’d all prefer to never be involved in a motorcycle accident, to begin with. While you may never be able to completely anticipate the actions of other drivers, there are steps you can take to keep yourself safer while enjoying your next ride. Interested in staying safe wherever the road takes you? Here, we’re taking a closer look at motorcycle accidents and offering some practical tips on how you can work to prevent these accidents from ever occurring in the first place. Together, we can make our roads safer for everyone.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

While every motorcycle accident is unique, data shows that there are many common causes that account for the majority of these accidents. By better understanding these common causes, we can do a better part in keeping our roads safer—for motorcyclists and drivers alike. After all, reducing the number of collisions on our roads is everyone’s responsibility.

Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents include:

  • Speeding: driving above the posted speed limit, no matter where you are, can be dangerous and increase your risk of an accident. Speeding makes it much more difficult for you to slow down, stop, and respond to changing road conditions. You can never truly anticipate how others will drive. Slow down next time you’re out and stay safe.
  • Poor road conditions: adverse weather and poor road conditions can make any trip that much more dangerous. Weather factors, such as rain, snow, or even high winds can make operating your motorcycle challenging. Additionally, poor road conditions like potholes or construction can make it tricky to handle these hazards on the road.
  • Unsafe lane changes: one of the top causes of motorcycle accidents in the United States, unsafe lane changes can easily lead to accidents. Never assume a driver can see you when you change lanes and look twice before making your merge.

5 Ways to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

When you get on your bike and hit the open road, you can never totally predict what will happen on your trip. Even if you’re just taking a quick ride down the street, there always exists the potential for an accident. The safest motorcyclists may still be prone to an accident since you can never fully predict or prepare for the actions of other drivers or even pedestrians.

However, even if you can’t predict the actions of other drivers, there are still methods for preventing motorcycle accidents. Keep reading for some helpful tips so that you can work to prevent motorcycle accidents and stay safe—no matter where the open road might take you on your next trip.

  1. Slow down: since speeding is one of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents, this one just makes too much sense. Simply slowing down and respecting the posted speed limit can drastically reduce your chance of getting involved in an accident. When you’re going too fast, you reduce your window for responding to changing road conditions that can occur in a split second. Additionally, riding at higher speeds can make your injuries even worse if you are in an accident. Enjoy your ride and slow down.
  1. Always ride sober: even just one alcoholic beverage can impair your ability to safely operate your motorcycle. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol, your reaction time slows considerably, your motor skills become impaired, and your critical thinking suffers. All these factors make driving under the influence incredibly dangerous. Even after just one drink, it’s never worth the risk to drink and ride your motorcycle.
  1. Never split lanes: referred to as “lane splitting,” this dangerous practice involves a motorcyclist driving between lanes of traffic. You’ll often see motorcyclists do this during heavy traffic as a way for them to keep moving. But despite the convenience, this is one practice you should avoid since cars can’t see you if they’re turning or merging lanes. Additionally, splitting lanes is illegal in most states.
  1. Don’t assume a driver sees you: this little tip is especially important whenever a motorcyclist is stopped at an intersection. But it’s also important if you’re in the middle of making a left-hand turn. Never assume that a motorist can see you. Ride cautiously and remain aware, keeping your full attention on the road and the actions of other drivers even if it seems like they can see you.
  1. Keep up with your regular maintenance: when prepping for your next ride, don’t forget to keep up with regular maintenance for your bike. A broken headlight or a blown tire can quickly land you in a dangerous situation that can cause an accident. And while we never love spending money at the mechanic, a little maintenance now can save you from costlier repairs in the future.

Conclusion – 5 Ways to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

There’s simply nothing quite like the thrill of the open road when you’re on your motorcycle. But despite this joy, there’s still the risk of serious motorcycle accidents. Compared to accidents between two motor vehicles, motorcycle accidents tend to have more damage and more serious injuries as there’s very little to protect the motorcyclist. That’s why it’s so important to practice safe and responsible riding to work to prevent motorcycle accidents.

When riding, make sure never to split lanes, ride sober, and never assume a driver can see you. Keep up with your scheduled maintenance so that you can enjoy your next ride—knowing you’ve done your part to keep our roads safer.

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