5 easy ways to optimize the speed of your online store on Shopify

5 easy ways to optimize the speed of your online store on Shopify

The loading speed of your website is one of the most important criteria for a successful online store. Undoubtedly, everyone strives to increase the loading speed and make it faster than the competitors.

In today’s world, people are getting used to the fact that everything has to open quickly, so no one will want to wait if your site opens longer than 4-5 seconds. Your potential customers expect pages to load instantly! That’s why we want to touch on this hot topic and share with you a few ways to optimize the speed of your website.

Google “likes” fast pages

If you want to attract organic (free) traffic, of course, you can work with content. However, if you want to rank first in search, page load speed is paramount, and in this case it doesn’t matter how awesome your content is. If your site doesn’t show up in at least the first 10 results, what can you talk about? So if you want to attract organic traffic – your loading speed has to be high. Learn more about this at https://www.makebecool.com/services/shopify-speed-optimization.

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Shopify Store

Okay, a little bit of speed checking figured out. But what if your site is already performing better than others? Or, on the contrary, have you realized that it is very far behind competitors in speed? Either way, you need to focus on optimizing site speed.

Use fast themes

So, the first tip we can give you on how to speed up your site is to use a quick theme. If you use Shopify, you know that the platform has a store with plenty of both free and paid themes. If your online store has already started making money, in which case we recommend switching to a paid theme.

Reduce the number of apps

Right now, open a list of all your apps. Are you really using all of them? Do all of them really improve your store? If the answer is no, feel free to delete them!

Optimize your media files and images

You can also increase the speed of your website by optimizing your media files, including images, videos, GIFs, and any other files in your Shopify store.

Use Google Tag Manager

You can optimize your store’s loading speed with Google Tag Manager, which allows you to control which tags are launched on certain pages and when they are launched.

Google Tag Manager is a free tool from Google that allows you to choose the codes you want to display on your website. With Google Tag Manager, you can easily apply that code only to pages of a certain product, which saves loading time for other pages. But if you’re having a hard time figuring it all out, we recommend shopify web development services.

Use AMP pages

Our next tip on optimizing the speed of the site will be especially relevant for those who are already successfully attracting organic traffic and want to make the site’s performance even more perfect. We suggest using AMP — accelerated mobile pages.

AMP is an accelerated mobile page technology that is being developed by independent developers and actively promoted by Google in its search engine. The tool converts your Shopify store pages to AMP and provides near-instant loading for the mobile version of the site.

AMP technology will be useful to you if you want to be a niche leader regarding site load speed.

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