Preserving Your Wine: The Different Types of Wine Stoppers, Explained

Preserving Your Wine: The Different Types of Wine Stoppers, Explained

California is the leading state for winemaking, as they produce 85% of all U.S. wine. Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or just enjoy drinking a glass now and then, you might wonder about the best way to preserve your wine.

Many people use wine stoppers to preserve theirs. However, there are many types of wine stoppers, so how do you know which type to choose?

Learning the various types can help you understand the differences. Then, you can choose the right kind. Keep reading this guide to learn more about wine stoppers.

Reasons to Use Wine Stoppers

Wine closures, or stoppers, protect your wine. The most common reason people use stoppers is when they only drink part of a bottle. After having one glass of wine, you might decide to save the rest.

Unfortunately, your wine might lose its great taste after opening the bottle and saving it. The solution is to use the best wine stopper.

You can place the wine closure in the bottle, sealing it. Then, when you return to the bottle for another glass of wine, the best stopper helps it taste just as good as when you first opened it.

The only other reason people use wine stoppers is when they make their own wine. Making wine requires essential supplies, including bottles and closures. Using the best ones helps you preserve the wine you make.

Effects of Wine Stoppers on Wine

One thing you’ll realize as you try wine stoppers is their effects. The wine closure you choose affects several things. Here are the primary effects wine stoppers have:


A stopper can leave traces of material or odors in the wine. Thus, wine stoppers can affect the way your wine tastes. For example, traditional corks can leave a slight “cork” taste in wine.

Any stopper you use might affect its taste. As a result, try several types before choosing one that doesn’t affect the wine’s taste.


The smell is closely associated with taste. Therefore, a stopper might also affect the way a wine smells. Wine drinkers generally smell their wine before tasting it.

As a result, you might not want to drink wine if it smells strange from the stopper you use.

Oxygen Exchange Rate

Regardless of the stopper you use, oxygen can move in and out of a wine bottle. They call this the oxygen exchange rate, and it affects the wine’s taste, feel, and color.

For example, a wine’s color might change when it encounters too much oxygen. Additionally, too much oxygen can reduce the vibrancy of a wine’s flavor. Thus, finding a stopper that permits the correct oxygen rate is vital.

Types of Wine Stoppers

Learning the effects and uses of wine stoppers helps you understand why and how to use them. First, however, you’ll probably wonder about the options. For example, what are the various types of wine closures?

Here are some of the most popular types:

Traditional Cork

The most common type of stopper is a traditional cork stopper. You’ll notice that most wine you buy comes with traditional corks. These corks are cost-effective and work well.

However, traditional corks can affect the taste and smell of wine. Additionally, controlling the oxygen exchange rate is more challenging with these corks.

You might also face challenges inserting a used traditional cork back into a bottle of wine. The bottom line is that these work well, but there are better options than these.

Synthetic Cork

Synthetic corks look like traditional corks. However, they contain other materials. These materials primarily come from sustainable materials, which makes them recyclable.

The downside to synthetic is similar to traditional corks. Synthetic corks can affect a wine’s taste and smell.

Plastic and Rubber Stoppers

Plastic stoppers are another cost-effective type of closure to try. You can tighten a plastic stopper when placing it on an open bottle of wine. Tightening reduces the oxygen exchange rate, protecting your wine.

Glass Closure

Many people enjoy using glass closures. A glass closure does not affect a wine’s taste or smell. Instead, your wine tastes the same after using one.

Additionally, many glass closures seal a bottle tightly, preventing oxygen from traveling in and out.

Vacuum Pump

Vacuum pump closures let you remove air from the bottles. As a result, they keep wine fresher for longer. You’ll often see these in bars and restaurants, as they work well.

The downside to vacuum pump closures is the price. They tend to cost more than other options.

How to Choose a Closure

Learning how to choose a wine stopper is crucial if you enjoy drinking wine regularly. But, of course, you can try different types before choosing the best option.

You can also use different types for different wines. For example, you might want to purchase a sparkling wine stopper for your sparkling wines. On the other hand, you might choose a plastic stopper for other types of wine.

You’ll also discover that some types of closures work well for storing wine for a few days. On the other hand, other types are better for long-term storage.

The bottom line is each type has pros and cons. Therefore, the best way to choose your wine stoppers is by trying them. The best part is that most wine stoppers are reusable, so investing in a good one pays off.

Choose the Best Type for Your Needs

Wine stoppers play a role in the way a wine tastes and smells. They also affect a wine’s shelf life. Thus, choosing the right type is vital.

As you can see, you can choose from several types. You might even want to try a few types before choosing the best option for your needs.

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